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Make an Impact for God's Kingdom When You Give
Giving is an important step in spiritual growth and maturity. Put simply, growing people are generous people. Your faithful giving makes it possible for our church to make an impact for Christ here in our city and all over the world. We want to be a church that leads the way with the kind of generosity that only makes sense in light of God's grace, and our generosity determines the pace at which we can accomplish the mission God has put before us.- GIVING OPTIONSWe offer several ways to give to First Christian. These methods allow you to give to the general fund of First Christian Church of Scottsburg (Please note: that funds are broken down into different categories for record-keeping purposes only. All tithes and offerings will be used where best needed to support and further God’s kingdom.)
We have partnered with FELLOWSHIP ONE to make online giving quick and easy.
You can give a one-time gift or set-up giving on a recurring basis.
CASH & CHECKSPlease make checks payable to First Christian Church of Scottsburg.
Checks or cash may be dropped off in the offering plates in the auditorium at any of our services.
Checks may also be mailed to our Finance department at the address below:
First Christian Church of Scottsburg
Attention: Finance Department
255 W. McClain Ave.
Scottsburg, IN 47170
If mailing a check please indicate either "general fund" or "special offering" in the memo line of the check.If contributing cash, offering envelopes are available at each service.
STOCK & MUTUAL FUNDS We do accept donations of non-cash items such as stocks and mutual funds. Contact us at info@fcc-scottsburg.org for more information.FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS
How are my tithes and offerings used?
All tithes & offerings go to the general fund of First Christian Church. This general fund provides support for all ministries of the church as well as support for our many local and global strategic partners and missions.
Will I receive a contribution statement from the church?
Yes! We send contribution statements for the previous year via email or regular mail to the email or street address on file, no later than January 31 of each year. If you have moved or changed email addresses, let us know by sending an email to info@fcc-scottsburg.org
Can I use my debit or credit card?
Yes you can, but if it’s all the same to you, we would prefer if you could use your bank account as debit and credit card processing charges incurred by First Christian Church are much higher than charges incurred when using a direct withdrawal from your bank account.
Are there fees involved with giving online?
As the donor, you will not pay any fees with an online gift. However, the church does incur fees for processing. It is most cost effective for the church if online tithes and offerings are set up as automatic bank account withdrawal transactions rather than credit or debit cards. The church pays fees equal to 2.3% of the donated amount for a credit or debit card gift.
Can I use my bank's online bill pay system?
Yes, this is similar to mailing checks. Please use the address above and
also indicate "general fund" in the memo line of the check.
Can I make a one-time contribution online?
Yes! PushPay allows you the option of either making a one-time contribution, or setting up a recurring gift that’s scheduled to process from your bank account or debit/credit card.

Contact Us
255 W. McClain Ave, Scottsburg, IN 47170
First Christian Church of Scottsburg © 2017